NWVU Rockford Shevets Chapter Monthly Meeting

NWVU Chicago Chapter HQ Board members Dr Constance Edwards, Ret. USA Vietnam veteran, LTC Arthurine Jones Ret. USA Iraqi veteran and Financial Secretary Valorie Harris Vietnam Era USAF meet with NWVU Shevets Rockford Chapter President Nancy Clark SSG Vietnam Era Ret, USA veteran and Vice-President Mellody Brocato, Vietnam Era USMC veteran and their members. Read more [...]

Women’s Memorial 20th Anniversary Events & Reservation Form

The Women's Memorial 20th Anniversary Celebration—the countdown is underway! As we approach the celebration dates of October 20-22. The celebration will include a no-host dinner the evening of October 20; a formal 20th Anniversary ceremony at 11:00 a.m., October 21; and an Honor Walk and Service of Remembrance that evening. Lastly, we are hoping to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier the morning of October 22. Read more [...]

Chicago Coleman Veteran Fellowship

In partnership with the Coleman Foundation, Bunker Labs has developed a yearlong Fellowship Program in entrepreneurship for Student Veterans. The fellowship program is tailored to fit students’ busy schedule, while providing an opportunity to build the entrepreneurial muscles that will help you launch your business and make you a stronger candidate for any position. Read more [...]