Having too much weight around your middle may increase your risk of complications if you have diabetes, but these moves can help trim your waistline.
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While no magic food will prevent every patient’s fibromyalgia flare-ups, a few dietary improvements can make a world of difference and may alleviate even the most daunting symptoms.
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Heart disease can strike women at any age, so you need to know the risk factors. In fact, some heart disease risk factors, such as diabetes, are greater for women than for men.
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Women Veteran Resources program connects women veterans with appropriate resources to help them transition to civilian life after leaving the military, and to provide them with resources and tools to transition to civilian life and to continue to be leaders in their communities.
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VA researchers found a link between service-related occupational exposure to herbicides and high blood pressure (hypertension) risk among U.S. Army Chemical Corps (ACC) Veterans, a group of Veterans assigned to do chemical operations during the Vietnam War.
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A look at the symptoms of five of the most common conditions that keep us from being well-rested.
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Where? Jesse Brown VA Medical Center
For LGBT veterans, active duty service members, families, friends, allies and healthcare providers. A collaboration between Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, and the American Veterans for Equal Rights Chicago Chapter (gay veterans).
The purpose of the day-long event is to increase awareness of concerns for LGBT Veterans and provide information on resources, including VA Healthcare.
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Flu is widespread in many communities. You can protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community by taking these simple steps:
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