Calling on American Legions, VFW, DAV, AMVETS, CVO, Chicago Veterans, and all Veteran Organizations to the National Women Veterans United GREET & MEET event on Saturday, November 16, 2019, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm at the SGT Simone A. Robinson Military Women Veteran’s Center located at 8620 S. Pulaski (Lower Level). RSVP – (872) 731-2150 - Nwvu.org@gmail.com
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VETERANS ASSISTANCE COMMISSION Of Cook county Veteran Resource Picnic on, Friday, JULY 1, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. at McKinley Park, 3900 S. Western on pershing road. We will provide LARGE BBQ grill Hot dogs, Hamburgers & soda. Donations Welcomed.
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Chicago Veterans Team invite you to join us in celebrating the grand opening of the VetHub (5031 W. Montrose Ave., Chicago, IL) on February 20th at 1pm.
The VetHub will not only serve as the office for Chicago Veterans, but will also be used as a mentoring facility for Veterans needing assistance with laptops available for Chicago Veterans' Members to work on disability claims, education benefits, building a resume, finding employment or even starting their own business.
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A NIGHT FOR VETERANS: HONORING ALL WHO SERVED. May 30th , 2014 from 6pm - 10pm at the National Veterans Art Museum, located at 4041 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL 60641. Keynote speaker John Arena of the 45th ward. Complimentary Appetizers and Drinks, Workshops, Live Music, and Resources for Veterans. (This event is FREE and open to the public)
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