H.R. 4556, Opening VA Dental Care to All Veterans

Representative Carol Shea-Porter (NH) introduced H.R. 4556, a bill that would require the VA to offer comprehensive dental care to all 9.1 million veterans enrolled in the VA health care system.

Current law limits eligibility for VA dental care to veterans with a service-connected disability rated 100%; veterans with a service-connected dental condition; former prisoners of war; and homeless veterans. Dental care is also available if a dental condition is aggravating a service-connected condition or complicates treatment of that condition.

This bill would eliminate these restrictions on eligibility for VA dental care, allowing all veterans that are enrolled in the VA system to access in-house dental care. The bill phases in the new eligibility over five years to give the VA time to invest in and increase its capacity to provide dental care.

This bill is in accordance with DAV’s Resolution No. 013, which supports legislation for VA to provide dental care services to all enrolled veterans.

Please use the prepared letter to ask your Representative to support passage of H.R. 4556. Thank you for your efforts and support of the DAV Commander’s Action Network.

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