Attention To Detail – Official Notice Regarding NWVU Election

This notice is to inform you that the National Women Veterans United will hold the Bi-Annual Election for Officers and Board Members at the meeting on Saturday, December 10, 2016.

Please refer to the NWVU By-Laws regarding the election, nomination committee and also to review the duties of the Officers and Board members.

All Officers and Board of Director positions will be vacated at the conclusion of the December 10, 2016 meeting and the election will then be conducted.

Members must be in good standing e.g. dues paid and a member in good standing for one year.

Nominations will be taken from the floor on the day of the Election.

A Nominations/Election Committee will be selected at the November 12, 2016 meeting at 1:00 p.m. Members who have no interest in being appointed or seeking an Officer or Board position are eligible to serve on the Election /nomination Committee. One person will Chair the Election process and 2 others will verify the Ballot Count.

If you have a desire to run for an office please inform the selected Election Chair after they are selected at the NWVU meeting on November 12, 2016.