Assessing the Needs of Women Who Served in the U.S. Armed Forces

January 11, 2021

The University of Alabama is excited to invite you to participate in the national survey, “Assessing the Needs of Women Who Served in the U.S. Armed Forces.” Women are experiencing transition challenges differently than their male counterparts. Your experiences can be a very valuable part of this study and we want to hear from you.

This 20-30-minute survey will be asking about your time in the armed forces, your needs, experiences, and preferences relating to your transition back to civilian life. All your answers are anonymous and will not be tied back to you in any way. Only summary level data will be reported.

University of Alabama is working with an experienced and trusted team including women veterans to better understand the needs and concerns of women who have served.

We thank you in advance for your willingness to help the profession and other military members in this important way. Click/copy the link or scan the QR code to take the survey:

What if I have questions or concerns about the survey? If you have any questions please contact either Dr. Kate Hendricks Thomas at  or Dr. Karl Hamner at  / 205-348-0129. If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about your rights as a research participant, contact Ms. Tanta Myles, the Research Compliance Officer, at (205) 348-8461 or toll-free at 1-877-820-3066.


Karl M. Hamner, Ph.D

UA Women-In-Military (Sm) (1)