Learn Charter Romana-Butler School gets a new flag set, thanks to the National Women Veterans United, President Rochelle Crump. When Ms. Crump learned from Marcus Manning (son) and teacher at Learn Charter that the school had a flag taped to a pole; she purchased a flag set from her personal funds to ensure that the school could be in compliance with flag etiquette. “There are some things we just don’t take short cuts on” said Ms. Crump an Army veteran. “Our men and women are serving all over the world to secure our freedoms and when they arrive they immediately establish our presence by staffing the US Flag.
” In America we must also show a presence of our commitment to those who stand in defense of this nation. There are many unjust actions that take place in which taint not only our Armed Forces intentions but our faith and trust in America and the Constitution. Questionable issues such as the decisions made in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Gardner weakens patriotism. We can not give up on America, we must continue to expose and challenge unfair practices and do what we can as the Human Race to make this world better for everyone. One thing I do believe is that our Armed Forces are needed like the police and fire departments around the world as 1st responders. I will fly my flag in honor of all who served and in remembrance of all who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving”. Rochelle Crump, NWVU President.

Students at Learn Charter Romana-Butler School.