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Veterans Appreciation Game Day Planning & Networking Meeting
November 6, 2017 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Veterans Appreciation Game Day Planning & Networking Meeting
by Young Entrepreneurs of the Universe (YEU) Veteran Initiatives
Join the the Young Entrepreneurs of the Universe (YEU) Veteran Initiatives for the last Veterans Appreciation Game Day Planning & Networking Meeting meeting before our Thursday, November 9th, 2017 Honoring event – Veterans Apreciation Game Day in conjunction with Chicago Cares and GAGDC.
Try your hands at some games, enjoy some refreshments, resource info, network and become special Veteran Abassadors & enjoy also participating at Veterans Appreciation Game Day with a special additional gift for helping make this event a success. Every meeting we have a free raffle too.
Bring other Veterans with you too. Volunteers, Supporters, Advocates and Sponsors welcome too to make sure All Veterans have a wondeful time. Have a Game of which you are an expert and will bring it on Game Day; Bring it to this Networking Meeting and Try it out. Come Walk and Roll with some of the Best. Meeting Place is wheelchair Accessible.
Make sure you and others register on event brite so we can have all the goodies needed for those that are registered at Veterans Apreciation Game Day Nov. 9, 2017 Chicago.
Register at ↓
Date and Time
Mon, November 6, 2017
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM CST
7808 S Halsted Street
Community Room
6th Dist. Chicago Police Station
Chicago, IL 60620
Young Entrepreneurs of the Universe (YEU) Veteran Initiatives
Organizer of Veterans Appreciation Game Day Planning & Networking Meeting
YEU Veteran Initiatives,(Member of Illinois Joining Forces) – partners and promotes job creation, business and economic development, housing, options and opportunities, cultural projects and programs for all veterans, with a special emphasis on service disabled veterans, to include national guard, reservists, and their families by using VA benefits, Congressional Laws and Presidential Executive Orders. Join us! Find your Dream Job/Career or New Contract/Sub-Contract or become one of our resource organizations, sponsors and/or volunteers.
New –
1) “Wounded Ladies Warriors” Pilot Green Project; Connecting Lady Veterans to health care and wealth care.
2) “Samuel Parks and James Ellis Rural Housing, Economic, Sports, Retreat & Development Campus Complex.
3) “Veteran & Community – Job Creation, Entrpreneurship Development, Innovation,, Education, Tourism, Research,, Business & Job Success Coaching, Prototype Product & Service, Packaging & Marketing, Techoolgy, Communication, Test Sales (local to Global Laboratory) Green & Accessible Incubator Resource Center.
YEU Veteran Initiatives mission is to “Help Veterans and Military become Heroes at Home.” YEU does that through partnering to: -Create Jobs through Entrepreneurship & Contracts -Housing, Sports & Cultural Arts -Partnering to bring Information, Education, Financial Literacy, Mentoring & Resources at Expos and other Outreach and/or at Special Events including women, minorities and the disabled.
Conferences -Money Smart Week, Veteran Town Games – Battle of the Branches; Rockin with the Vets Music Festival;, EPA /YEU Veteran Small Biz Conference; Wounded Lady Warriors Project including : an Awards Symposium focusing on several import and timely topiccs and honoring Women Veterans and Women currently serving, Women Veteran Advocates and Women Veteran Sponsors. It also includes a JROTC Mentoring Session; a promotional campaign to get Women who have served in the US Militiary, Veterans living or deceased or who are currently serving to get registered and support the Women in Military Service Memorial Foundation 1-800-222-2292; to Promote the Women Veterans Heath Advisory Council to dissimate health, housing, economic & other resource information to women Veterans of all Eras, all branches and all ethnicitites partnering to do outreach especially in underserved communities; and with a scholarship program in development with co-naming/branding opportunites for JROTC, ROTC and Women Veterans trying to make a difference for themselves and others as they go through life needing a little financial, networking ancd coaching at times to be more successful.
Babette Peyton
Phone: 888-390-7132
-YEU Veteran Initiatives also sponsors 3 TV Shows – “Honoring Veterans First – Support, Health, Wealth and Heroes, The Veterans’ Report & Diversity in the Mix on CAN in the Chicago area on channels 19 & 21 and seen by approximately one million viewers.
-YEU President Babette Peyton, also hosts a weekly Radio Show every Tuesday morning from 4.30am – 4.45am central standard time( CST) on 1570AM featuring the “National Military and Veterans, Friends and Families Prayer and Resource Action Network” and is streamed live worldwide CST on IPhones and Androids on TuneIn Radio or on the worldwide web at www.gospel1570-.com Sponsors and guests welcome on all shows. God Bless & Much Love.