- This event has passed.
Understanding Veterans Benefits Workshop
May 1, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
[gview file=”https://nwvu.org/admin/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/flyer24th_rev_r.pdf”]
Who should attend?
• Post service officers and other officers and members.
The program will help you keep your vets informed and that will help
grow your organization.
• Veterans and active duty military personnel.
The benefits offered by the VA and the IDVA are your benefits. The program will help you understand what they are to and how to get them.
• Family members of veterans.
To a large extent Veterans benefits are also yours. The program will help you help your veterans better understand the sometimes complex web of rules and paperwork.
• Anyone who wants to help veterans & their families!
- When Saturday, 1 May 2021,Sign in Breakfast 0800-0900
- Where VFW Post 1197 645 S. River St., Batavia, IL 60510
- Cost Registration $20 Includes Continental Breakfast & Lunch