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Take A Stand on October 1st with NCADV
October 1, 2015 @ 11:00 am - 7:00 pm

October 1st, 2015
Washington, D.C.
Learn more and get involved at www.ncadv.org/takeastand.
NCADV is kicking off Domestic Violence Awareness Month with a national event to raise awareness about domestic violence-Take A Stand. NCADV’s Take A Stand event will occur October 1st at 11:00am in Washington, D.C. on the Capitol grounds. Here, victims, activists, volunteers, legislators and dignitaries will participate in standing up and speaking out about domestic violence.
“By taking a stand, we intend to remind the nation that there are still countless people–victims and survivors, their children and families, their friends and family, their communities-negatively impacted by domestic violence,” says Ruth Glenn, NCADV executive director.
As recently as this weekend, the headlines in Texas and Arizona were about domestic violence gun murders of innocent partners and families. In fact, 1 in 3 women will be the victim of domestic violence in their lifetime. Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime and abused women are 5 times more likely to be killed by their abuser if that individual has access to a firearm. This must change and NCADV invites you to help impact that change by participating.
NCADV will pause at 11:00am EST to Take A Stand for a moment of silence to show support for all victims and survivors of domestic violence and to demand zero tolerance for abuse. We ask that you Take A Stand too, whether you participate in D.C. or from wherever you are-at an event in your own community, at your desk, or in your home. Learn more about ways you can be involved below and by clicking here.
NCADV’s Take A Stand event will be followed by a national Lobby Day where will focus lobbying efforts on key legislative priorities to include: the potentially fatal intersection between domestic violence and firearms and the need for stable and increased critical funding and resources to support victims and survivors. To attend NCADV’s Lobby Day, please register here.
If you wish to attend NCADV’s events in Washington, D.C. on October 1st, please register here.
If you are unable to attend the Take A Stand event in D.C., we encourage you to Take A Stand where you are. Help promote Take A Stand and tell the story of how and why you are taking a stand against domestic violence. Become a voice for victims of domestic violence!
Here are some specific ways to get involved:
- Work with your community leaders to hold a local event.
- Observe the moment of silence with us at 11:00 am EST in tribute to the thousands who have lost their lives to domestic violence and the countless others impacted.
- Wear purple and encourage others on your campus to wear purple and tell people why.
- Turn your profile picture purple on Facebook and other social media and share with friends why you are Taking A Stand. (Twibbon will be available soon, check NCADV.org/takeastand for details in the coming days!)
- Take a pictures of yourself using the following hashtags to Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or another social media with one of the following hashtags: #TakeAStand #TAS, #TASNCADV, #TakeAStandNCADV, #TAS2015, #NCADV, #IStandwithNCADV. Share these images and postings with us via NCADV’s social media outlets:
Visit our website at NCADV.org/takeastand to
learn more and get involved.