IRS reopens $500 per Veteran child Economic Impact Payment, Sign up for Veteran Expeditions

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has reopened the registration period for claiming an Economic Impact Payment. Individuals who receive Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Railroad Retirement, or certain Veterans benefits – but didn’t receive the $500 payment per child earlier this year – can still file for the $500 payment. Read more [...]

H.R. 4554, Support Safe and Welcoming Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities for All Veterans

H.R. 4554 would require the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish and implement a comprehensive anti-harassment and anti-sexual assault policy for the Department. Please do your part to support ending harassment at VA facilities and ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all veterans to obtain the care they need and have earned. Use the prepared letter (or your own) to ask your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 4554 and support its final passage. Read more [...]

Free Virtual ZOOM Retreat for Military Women Veterans hosted by National Women Veterans United

The National Women Veterans United (NWVU) is honored to host a free Virtual ZOOM Retreat for Military Women Veterans, sponsored by the Veterans Support Foundation (VSF). " Faces and Places of Military Women Veterans; How Are We Coping During The Pandemic?" There will be an "Officer of the Day," a team coach, motivation speaker, and guest participants. Important information will be provided for resources that will assist military women veterans take care of themselves and their families. Date and Time: Sat, October 3, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM Read more [...]